As you may have noticed, I've been struggling with time lately - or lack thereof.
I seem to have so little time to sew and even less to post here on my blog.
So today, I'm taking the time to show you a couple of things I've been working on.
The living room update that I posted about here is moving along (slowly). We had a new bay window installed which seems to meet our cat Riley's approval. (I love it too)
He's claimed it as his own space.
Plans to paint and sew a cushion for the window seat are in the works. One day.
I've been working on my mantel as well. I held my breath and painted the wooden mirror I had hung there before.
My apologies for the crooked picture.
Thankfully I like how it turned out. And.... check out my new milk glass! Most of it I bought on a recent trip to New England. I love milk glass but it seems to be a bit more of a challenge to find it here in Canada.
I've learned that I'm not one of those people who can just throw a bunch of stuff together and it just looks good. I'm always changing things up and have to really work at it.
One of my beautiful nieces turned 12 this month. I'm late sending off her birthday gift but I hope she'll like it. She loves Wonder Woman (how cool is she, right?) so her mom asked me to make a WW apron. I made it big enough that she'll have it for a few years.
I've been working on a few other sewing projects but you'll have to wait to see those.
Sorry! Outta time!
Thanks for stopping by,

What an awesome auntie you are!!.. I think I know someone else who would like one.. can you make one my size? lol